Welcome to the beginning of Moon Talk Designs, LLC!

I was asked to share the trials and tribulations of starting a business from the beginning! On a shoe string budget! And on a wing and a prayer! These are my thoughts, right or wrong, as we grow. We hope you will continue to watch us and our growth. And we hope IF you are starting your own business, you will avoid some of the mistakes we make! If you avoid even one simple wrong turn, this was worth my time and effort putting this together!
Enjoy the ride....
.......to the moon!!


Pricing and profit margins…

That was a toughie! I have dealt with selling to the general public before and made a decent profit with a minimal mark-up. BUT this is a different ball game all together!   It’s even in a whole different ballpark!  Here is how it’s SUPPOSED to be done!  Take the cost of the item that YOU PAY… PLUS ANY packaging, printing and incidentals…multiply that total  cost by 2 – 2 .5 times…  THAT is your WHOLESALE PRICE… Then the retailer is going to take THAT price and mark it up at least  100% if not 150%!  OUCH!  Is the end price going to be a price point that the consumer will laugh at??  It’s a fine, fine line that you are walking here. IF you have a sales rep that you have to pay… in the gift market, the real reps charge 15% of sales…  you HAVE to have that margin built in! IF YOU DON’T…. the fees are going to eat your profit and you will go under real quick! That is where I am stuck!  My product is high quality and Made in the USA. You pay for that!  I won’t lower my standards. I believe in sticking with what you believe in. I believe in 100% cotton and organic whenever you can…. As well as Made in the USA. I KNOW I can get cheaper products buying from China, but what is that doing for our own country? ....
So, I pay more…  I take a smaller mark up and at this time I don’t pay any reps… I recommend my retailers not ‘keystone’ (100% mark-up)  But I cannot control what they do.  Now… something else I DO NOT do that they (business advisors) recommend. I DO NOT double the price of my printing! I don’t feel this is a fair mark up. I pay a young man to do the printing on my clothing. I have talked him into a very low price, I KNOW I NEED to pay him more, IF I doubled this amount, I would not feel it would be fair of ME to collect this $$ and call it my profit and not pay it to him. A larger company does the jewelry and home décor I have printed and since I only have small orders I have to pay premium prices for product and printing. My pricing is tight!  I have a very small profit margin built in.  So as for right now, my main goal is to purchase the equipment to do our own printing so I can control this expense a little bit more.  I don’t think I can find my clothing at a better price, but the jewelry and some home décor,  I may be able to do some more research or put someone on the hunt for me to find some more product and better prices. I hope so anyway!

At this time, I make a small profit, I LOVE what I am doing, I ENJOY my customers, I am learning as I go…. And I have a goal!  What more can I ask for?  
YES.. more profit, But that will come in time! 

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