Welcome to the beginning of Moon Talk Designs, LLC!

I was asked to share the trials and tribulations of starting a business from the beginning! On a shoe string budget! And on a wing and a prayer! These are my thoughts, right or wrong, as we grow. We hope you will continue to watch us and our growth. And we hope IF you are starting your own business, you will avoid some of the mistakes we make! If you avoid even one simple wrong turn, this was worth my time and effort putting this together!
Enjoy the ride....
.......to the moon!!


More about MTD....

After having a small portrait studio for about 20 years, and using my experience and knowledge of photography, the inspiration for Moon Talk happened one beautiful fall night. It was the Harvest Moon and was so big I felt inspired to photograph it. In making those photos, i felt the need to do 'something different'   and having 'painted ' with light before ( but never trying it with the moon) i gave a few squiggles a try... impressed... i tried to make a letter... hmmm, it worked! let's try another... it worked too! after several attempts and several 'deletes' (thank goodness for digital!)  and some beautiful moments with nature, i was able to create the entire alphabet !  That following year I took time to play with various designs, learned photoshop and finally after a total of three years trial and error, the final designs were created!  Hence, Moon Talk Designs' was born! (The name even came to me in a dream! )   I felt it was more than a sign that I need to take this as far as I possibly could!   I have also designed several 'charity pink' products and donate a portion of the proceeds to various cancer agencies.....

To get Moon Talk 'out there'  My short term goals are to brand my name and products so when people see them THEY KNOW what they are looking at!  My LONG TERM goals are to be in as many retail stores, hospital boutiques and other luxury boutiques that Moon Talk would attract an offer from a national company.

Moon Talk would LOVE to be able to manufacture our own products so we CAN control the expenses and quality of our products. In doing this we have plans to hire a handful of handicapped workers, starting with a friend who is a Paraplegic. HE has a circle of friends that would also LOVE to be self sufficient.  We would also LOVE to open a second manufacturing plant in a small town, not too far from our home, that is quickly disappearing off the map. We would work for a grant to purchase an abandoned building and work with the local High School in providing jobs for the HS students.  In doing this we would need money to purchase printers and heat presses and silk screen equipment. This is the main goal we have at this point. We want the MOON to help not only us but others as well! 
Our products all have inspiring words and phrases for a reason! We hope to spread that good feeling with everyone we come in contact with! 

Just look at it!  
Have you ever actually seen anyone  "paint with the moon" ? We are ALL inspired by different things in life but I think the MOON inspires EVERYONE! How many phrases are there out there that refer to the moon?  "Love you to the Moon... and back" is the first one that comes to most peoples minds!  Well... we have taken that object in the sky... that we ALL look at each and every night, the SAME moon that shines over YOU and me,  over our grandson in Oregon as well as our Grandson in Indiana... and put it in your hands!  We have taken inspiring and affirmative words and phrases and put the on items that you WANT to wear and have in your homes so you can SHARE this affirmation with everyone you know !
How many times can you honestly say: "NOW THIS is really different than anything I have seen" ??  Yes, we are unique !!  And we hope you will join  us  on our journey to the MOON! 

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