In November Moon Talk hosted an event for our local Chamber of Commerce. At "Alive After 5" chamber members are invited to come, enjoy some food, beverages & get to know what you do and more about your business. We had totally remodeled our studio and were very proud of it & it was time to invite everyone here! It has NEVER been so organized and clean ! Thank you for those of you that managed to brave the storm the weather had been in the 70's all week, but the night of the open house it took a turn for the worse & was blowing cold rain, sleet & snow & just plain nasty! We had planned a bonfire and weenie roast... but instead we had a wood stove with a nice fire on the front porch, a crock pot with hot dogs and a big coffee pot with hot cider all moved in the garage. At least it was under cover and we had a heater! It was still cold, but it worked!
It was well worth the effort!
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