Welcome to our little corner of the world! More to follow!!
Welcome to the beginning of Moon Talk Designs, LLC!
I was asked to share the trials and tribulations of starting a business from the beginning! On a shoe string budget! And on a wing and a prayer! These are my thoughts, right or wrong, as we grow. We hope you will continue to watch us and our growth. And we hope IF you are starting your own business, you will avoid some of the mistakes we make! If you avoid even one simple wrong turn, this was worth my time and effort putting this together!
Enjoy the ride....
.......to the moon!!
Check out the Website!! Now functional!
Check out the Website's blog... for the latest updates! MORE news and information about Moon Talk is available here!! Thank you!!! B~
welcome to the studio....
Welcome to the MTD STUDIO!
Home away from home! Actually about 20 feet out my back door!
I LOVE spending time out there ! The porch is very inviting & the
studio is always comfortable... whether it's hot or cold outside, the
temp inside is perfect! The studio originally was to be a work shop for
hubby, but he so graciously gave it up when I started the portrait
studio, which also became a frame shop... then it was storage for a little
while, while Moon Talk was being born!
The AWESOME water jet metal sign was made by a
friend especially for

It will be
traveling with us whenever we do a show on the road!
Thanks Rob and Jimmy!
I look forward to the other 'projects' we have
on our drawing board!!
After five event....
In November Moon Talk hosted an event for our local Chamber of Commerce. At "Alive After 5" chamber members are invited to come, enjoy some food, beverages & get to know what you do and more about your business. We had totally remodeled our studio and were very proud of it & it was time to invite everyone here! It has NEVER been so organized and clean ! Thank you for those of you that managed to brave the storm the weather had been in the 70's all week, but the night of the open house it took a turn for the worse & was blowing cold rain, sleet & snow & just plain nasty! We had planned a bonfire and weenie roast... but instead we had a wood stove with a nice fire on the front porch, a crock pot with hot dogs and a big coffee pot with hot cider all moved in the garage. At least it was under cover and we had a heater! It was still cold, but it worked!
It was well worth the effort!
Technolodgy today.....
A neighbors little three year old was over the other day and she saw my dad's OLD black dial desk phone... and asked what it was. I told her it was a phone... without skipping a beat she asked if you could 'text with it' ....
Made me start thinking! What DID we do in the 'olden days' ? We couldn't email, text,video chat, BLOG, Play games where ever we were....
There might even be less violence! Certainly less identity fraud & more shopping local?? Less obesity and more playing outside?? More actual birthday cards with real stamps?? We'd have the money we've spent on computer and cell phone service to spend on going to a movie or renting a movie and watching it at home with the family!
More face to face REAL time... instead of video chat? Maybe even conversations between family members... instead of everyone having their faces in the computer or phones... ??
Just had to get that off my shoulders this AM. Just something an innocent three year old made me think about!!
Yeah... we have come a long way... but at what cost?
Made me start thinking! What DID we do in the 'olden days' ? We couldn't email, text,video chat, BLOG, Play games where ever we were....
There might even be less violence! Certainly less identity fraud & more shopping local?? Less obesity and more playing outside?? More actual birthday cards with real stamps?? We'd have the money we've spent on computer and cell phone service to spend on going to a movie or renting a movie and watching it at home with the family!
More face to face REAL time... instead of video chat? Maybe even conversations between family members... instead of everyone having their faces in the computer or phones... ??
Just had to get that off my shoulders this AM. Just something an innocent three year old made me think about!!
Yeah... we have come a long way... but at what cost?
Taking a breather...
It's always nice to step back and take a deep breath.... that is what this weekend has been for. I thought I was overwhelmed before, but when I wrote it all down and realized what all I had to do, I was emotionally drained! This weekend has been quite relaxing... NICE! We ALL need to take a weekend like that once in a while! NOW.... on Tuesday, I'll get back to the grindstone with a much calmer attitude! ( This is a 3 day weekend for Gov't employees and hubby has the day off tomorrow... good timing for the need of a relaxing weekend!)
I feel like 'Dave' ! You know the Staples commercial?? Wearing the many hats of Moon Talk ! I was wide awake at 1:00AM thinking about everything I have to get done this month. I finally fell back asleep...exhausted! I need a team, however, I am the type of person that needs to be 'in control' of all aspects of my 'baby' (Moon Talk) I DID finally give up some control and hired an on-line company to put my website together..
That was out of desperation! They aren't doing anything I couldn't do. I just don't have to sit for hours upon hours putting it together and making changes etc! ( I've already spent countless hours trying to do it and never got what I was looking for... so now I wait for an email sending me to the test page and send her suggestions when I need a change made, or a complement on what she did!) I am anxious to see the finished product!
That was out of desperation! They aren't doing anything I couldn't do. I just don't have to sit for hours upon hours putting it together and making changes etc! ( I've already spent countless hours trying to do it and never got what I was looking for... so now I wait for an email sending me to the test page and send her suggestions when I need a change made, or a complement on what she did!) I am anxious to see the finished product!
And this little piggy went to market... That is just the way I feel !
Marketing 101!!
I have spent the entire month of January preparing for 2012! Not only organizing files and the DREADED tax papers, organizing supplies and computer files ... (I haven't even touched the household taxes yet!) And wrote my business plan FINALLY! I've also put a lot of time into research as to WHERE I should be marketing. Everyone says, you should try here... or there... or God forbid...here AND there...It's very easy to spread myself too thin!
SO... I decided to devise a plan to try to keep my sanity while pitching my product to as many places I truly felt would be worthwhile places as I could. I listened carefully to 'where' people were saying and noticed there was a common thread to most of the cities....
I have spent the entire month of January preparing for 2012! Not only organizing files and the DREADED tax papers, organizing supplies and computer files ... (I haven't even touched the household taxes yet!) And wrote my business plan FINALLY! I've also put a lot of time into research as to WHERE I should be marketing. Everyone says, you should try here... or there... or God forbid...here AND there...It's very easy to spread myself too thin!
SO... I decided to devise a plan to try to keep my sanity while pitching my product to as many places I truly felt would be worthwhile places as I could. I listened carefully to 'where' people were saying and noticed there was a common thread to most of the cities....
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