I am Bobbie J Sutton. A 'retired' Mom, a 'housewife and mom' all my 'married life'. Other than a few part time jobs and a self run
photography/framing business, about to start a new phase of my life! I am MADLY in love with my husband of nearly 40 years,
and ready for him to retire so I can 'bring home the bacon'. I have been a photographer/artist all my life. I married young and started raising our family young. At this time in my life our children are all grown and raising their own children. NOW it is time for ME to find out who I AM. Moon Talk is going to help me do this!...
I am more spiritual than I thought I was. I am more creative than I've ever allowed myself to be in the past. I am proud of who I am becoming! I am worth more than I used to think I was! NOW is MY time in life. I never went to college. I've never done any traveling.
I've never done anything much to be remembered for. I want to leave a legacy for my grandchildren to remember, for others to remember.... something to be proud of! Something to show that I WAS HERE!
I want to touch lives, to help someone that needs a smile or a nudge in the right direction. Moon Talk, again, id my vehicle for this too!
Now let me tell you about Moon Talk!
My Passion!
Moon Talk Designs, LLC was inspired by the bright FULL harvest moon that was shining one night just outside my living room window!
Luring me outside to photograph it! Luring me to do something creative! Luring me to change my life and those it touches!
Who isn't inspired by the moon? That is EXACTLY where the inspiration for the designs for Moon Talk came from! The same moon that looks over you, me and everyone else in this world! I was inspired to try something different, something original that i could use to inspire others to look at the moon in a different way. In doing this I came up with a way to create the letters of the alphabet using that moon light and in turn using those letters to create positive and affirmative words and phrases for people to live by and to share with others.
I have to say... even the name Moon Talk Designs... came to me in a dream! NOW THAT IS INSPIRED!
My mission is to help people fell good about themselves and help them share this with others... You know how a smile is contagious??
So is a positive attitude!
I have designed our children's wear with wholesome words and phrases to help them to learn the value of living strong and healthy! "Home Grown" "100% Organic" and "GO GREEN" are just three of the messages for kids! We need to instill these values in our children to carry on for future generations!
After taking three years to refine my artwork, application and products, I am happy with the final results! I have had SO may compliments from cancer survivors that I have developed a specific "Charity Pink" line with a portion of the sales going into a scholarship fund to benefit cancer survivors OR those directly affected by cancer in their lives. I've been asked to do a line for other illness's as well. This is a possibility, with Alzheimer’s, MS and ALS being among those being considered.
IF moon Talk were chosen for this grant, we would invest in the equipment we need to take the next step in our growth. We hope to purchase a special printer and heat press so we can hire a paraplegic friend of ours to do our production 'in-house' . At this time we use a local printer, but are limited as far as what size orders we can fill and our delivery time. This will be a great bonus for us. Large orders as well as small orders! As well as providing a job for our friend! As we grow we plan on hiring several other handicapped friends that can do our minimum labor jobs we will have available.
Welcome to the beginning of Moon Talk Designs, LLC!
I was asked to share the trials and tribulations of starting a business from the beginning! On a shoe string budget! And on a wing and a prayer! These are my thoughts, right or wrong, as we grow. We hope you will continue to watch us and our growth. And we hope IF you are starting your own business, you will avoid some of the mistakes we make! If you avoid even one simple wrong turn, this was worth my time and effort putting this together!
Enjoy the ride....
.......to the moon!!
You are such an inspiration!! Love the products and your talents! You are touching lives in so many amazing ways. Keep aiming for the moon and shooting for the stars!